Daily Archives: September 6, 2007

ARTologyPOD Initialized

In conjunction with Reading Eagle Online Services and WEEU Radio I’ve launched ARTologyPOD, an evolving biweekly audio experience of all things art and culture. WEEU’s Dave Kline contributes the intro and outro for ARTologyPOD.The initial installments of ARTologyPOD are being produced as dialogs with Al Walentis. This format allows me to present content in a Socratic manner. Can’t go wrong with Socrates, I always say. Well, I don’t really say it much but I think I may start saying it more. ARTologyPOD lays a foundation for the understanding and critical appreciation of art and culture by focusing on their philosophical underpinnings. I address the nature of perception, experience, conceptualization, and processes of thought as well as the socio-cultural contexts that influence aesthetic experience.At that point, we’ll be free to explore new realms of perception, experience, and “reality” through a more finely-polished lens of artistic sensibility. The journey should prove exhilarating and exciting. I’ve always thought the best thing one person can do for another is to be an inspiration. As an ongoing and evolving series, ARTologyPOD seeks your input and feedback. Hopefully, we may inspire each other. E-mail me at TFD@TULLIOFRANCESCODESANTIS.COMAnd now, I’m pleased to present ARTologyPOD:From the Reading Eagle Website: http://www.readingeagle.com/podcasts.aspxAnd from WEEU Radio’s Website: http://www.weeu.com/podcasts.asp

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